Polyamory Diaries 4: We're Having Our Best Sex in Years, Just Not With Other People

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When we first opened up our relationship, my partner and I were excited about the possibility of exploring new connections and experiences with other people. However, as we've delved deeper into polyamory, we've found that our most fulfilling and satisfying sexual experiences are happening between just the two of us.

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Navigating the world of polyamory can be both exhilarating and challenging. It requires open communication, trust, and a willingness to confront your own insecurities and fears. In our case, we've discovered that our most fulfilling sexual experiences are happening within the confines of our own relationship, and we're okay with that.

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One of the unexpected benefits of exploring polyamory has been the way it has reinvigorated our own sexual connection. In the early days of our relationship, we were so focused on exploring new connections with others that we neglected to nurture our own intimacy. However, as we've delved into polyamory, we've found that it has forced us to confront and address some of the underlying issues that were affecting our own sex life.

We've made a conscious effort to prioritize our own sexual connection, and the results have been transformative. We've experimented with new techniques and explored each other's fantasies and desires in ways that we never had before. The trust and vulnerability that comes with polyamory has allowed us to deepen our own sexual bond, and the result has been some of the best sex of our lives.

Challenging Expectations

One of the biggest challenges we've faced in our polyamorous journey has been confronting societal expectations around sex and relationships. We've had to grapple with the idea that a successful relationship should involve monogamy, and that seeking sexual fulfillment outside of our partnership is a sign of failure or dissatisfaction.

However, as we've delved deeper into polyamory, we've come to realize that our sexual fulfillment doesn't have to come from multiple partners. We've challenged the idea that monogamy is the only path to a fulfilling and satisfying sex life, and instead, we've embraced the idea that our own relationship can be the source of incredible sexual satisfaction.

Embracing Emotional Intimacy

One of the most powerful aspects of our polyamorous journey has been the way it has forced us to confront and address our own insecurities and fears. We've had to work through feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, and fear of abandonment, and in doing so, we've deepened our emotional intimacy in ways that we never thought possible.

We've learned to communicate more openly and honestly about our desires and boundaries, and as a result, we've become more attuned to each other's needs and desires. This emotional intimacy has translated into a deeper and more fulfilling sexual connection, and we've found that the trust and vulnerability that comes with polyamory has only served to enhance our own sexual experiences.

The Power of Choice

Ultimately, our polyamorous journey has taught us that the most fulfilling sexual experiences don't necessarily come from pursuing multiple partners. Instead, we've found that our own relationship can be the source of incredible sexual satisfaction and fulfillment.

We've learned to prioritize our own sexual connection, communicate openly and honestly about our desires and boundaries, and challenge societal expectations around sex and relationships. In doing so, we've embraced the power of choice and have found that our best sex is happening within the confines of our own relationship.

As we continue to navigate the world of polyamory, we're excited about the possibility of exploring new connections and experiences with others. However, we've also come to appreciate the incredible sexual connection that we share with each other, and we're grateful for the ways in which polyamory has deepened and enriched our own relationship.